Monday, May 11, 2020

#50 - Eve 6

Several years ago I did a countdown of my favorite songs.  Enough time has passed and enough of my tastes have changed/expanded to make a new music countdown a worthwhile endeavor.  To further change it up I'm going to do albums instead of songs.  My goal is to cover each album in 1-2 paragraphs, so as to not bore myself or you.  And I am limiting myself to one album per artist, so as not to write several posts about Godspeed You! Black Emperor.  Finally, I didn't think about the order of these too much so neither should you.  Alright, that's good.

Artist: Eve 6
Album: Eve 6
Year of Release: 1998
Label: RCA

If you're going to do a list like this, you have to include your first favorite album.  Otherwise this becomes in exercise in pretending that you're too cool for previous versions of yourself.  And indeed, I will never be too cool for the 14-year-old me who listened to this album largely because it was what all the cool kids in eighth grade liked.  But it wasn't just my favorite album because of that; I genuinely loved the band's muted version of pop punk as something more in line with my burgeoning sullen Midwestern sensibilities than that of more upbeat contemporary outfits like Green Day.  Upon a re-listen it holds up...pretty well?  The songwriting is slapdash and the harmonies are only OK, but the way the texture of the guitars and voices play off each other still curls up and nestles itself perfectly in my ears.  And the chord progression in "Leech," as simple as it may be, is still intriguing as hell.

1 comment:

  1. pretty good:
