Friday, May 15, 2020

#32 - You Forgot It in People

Artist: Broken Social Scene
Album: You Forgot It in People
Year of Release: 2002
Label: Paper Bag Records

If you've never heard this record before and don't know anything about Broken Social Scene, just go listen to the beginning of the album.  I'll wait.






So after a track and a half I bet you thought this was an instrumental outfit, right?  Given my affinity for post-rock it wouldn't have been surprising, but alas, Broken Social Scene is actually the high watermark of Canadian indie rock.  Given the broad composition of the band (they are made up of members of several other bands...don't call them a supergroup though) it's not surprising that they are able to weave through many different permutations of that sound in the space of a single record.  But even so it's still a minor miracle that something so divergent can be so cohesive and wonderful at the same time.

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