Friday, May 15, 2020

#34 - Ágætis Byrjun

Artist: Sigur Rós
Album: Ágætis Byrjun
Year of Release: 1999
Label: Play It Again Sam

A very strange thing about me is that I own physical copies of multiple Sigur Rós albums but until very recently I hadn't listened to them enough to really know them.  While I have listened enough to understand that Untitled VIII rips, that's not the same thing as appreciating their whole body of work.  "Luckily," quarantine has provided me with ample opportunity to listen to music in my basement while playing with my kids.  In doing this I have developed a theory as to why this deficit existed.  Specifically, there are so many otherworldly aspects of Sigur Rós' music (the Icelandic language, the dream rock sound, the general lack of typical song structure) that it creates a bit of an uncanny situation.  Sigur Rós is clearly fantastic and unique but it does take some patience to listen to enough tracks in a row to truly "get" their music.  But if you do commit to learning their ways, I can confirm that it's worth it.

Is Ágætis Byrjun actually my favorite album of theirs?  Maybe.  But I know it's the consensus take on their work, so I'll use that to break the tie.

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